Plateelbakkerij Zuid-Holland and other dating systems.
When a number (1-12) with a dot is added: = the month of production. The addition "Royal" indicates production after 1930

On this page I will try to give you some information on dating Dutch Art Nouveau and Art Deco Pottery. It is important that pottery is signed, and even better when it is dated. Some factories and workshops where constantly fighting for survival and at the time, the dutch did not have a lot of esteem for their own national products. These are some of the reasons that most pieces are marked less careful or not marked at all.

Rozenburg den Haag - painted next to the stork

Anchor       1898
Bee             1900
Ant             1901
Sun             1902
Star            1903
Flag            1904        
Lily             1905
Hourglass   1907
Rising sun  1908
Torch         1909
Flower       1913
Moon          1914

The Porceleyne Fles - dating system, painted near the backstamp.

1879  A    1905  AA    1931  BA   1956  CA   1981  DA
1880  B    1906  AB    1932  BB    1957  CB    1982  DB
1881  C    1907  AC    1933  BC    1958  CC    1983  DC
1882  D    1908  AD    1934  BD    1959  CD    1984  DD
1883  E    1909  AE     1935  BE    1960  CE
1884  F    1910  AF     1936  BF    1961  CF
1885  G    1911  AG    1937  BG    1962  CG
1886  H    1912  AH    1938  BH    1963  CH
1887  I      1913  AI      1939  BI      1964  CI
1888  J     1914  AJ     1940  BJ     1965  CJ
1889  K    1915  AK    1941  BK    1966  CK
1890  L     1916  AL    1942  BL    1967  CL
1891  M    1917  AM    1943  BM    1968  CM
1892  N    1918  AN    1944  BN    1969  CN
1893  O    1919  AO   1945  BO    1970  CO
1894  P     1920  AP    1946  BP    1971  CP
1895  Q    1921  AQ             BQ             CQ
1896  R    1922  AR    1947  BR    1972  CR
1897  S    1923  AS    1948  BS    1973  CS
1898  T    1924  AT    1949  BT    1974  CT
1899  U    1925  AU    1950  BU    1975  CU
1900  V    1926  AV   1951  BV    1976  CV
1901  W   1927  AW   1952  BW   1977  CW
1902  X    1928  AX    1953  BX    1978  CX
1903  Y    1929  AY    1954  BY    1979  CY
1904  Z    1930  AZ    1955  BZ    1980  CZ

Discovery: René Ben Lisa (1926-1995)
Astonishing minimalist vases by René Ben-Lisa more...
Francis Crociani: discovery of a postcard from 1962
The postcard mentions the purchase of a potter's wheel   more...